2020 | Documentary | 90′ |  Erzfreunde Trump und Putin (2019) on IMDb  

Frenemies: Putin and Trump

Friends or enemies? Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin both aim to make their countries “great” again. When, in November 2016, Trump moved into the White House, he was considered Moscow’s preferred candidate. Only a few months later, however, the relationship between the two countries was at its lowest point since the end of the Cold War. This film looks at the dramatic ups and downs of recent Russian-American relations.

On November 9, 2016, Donald Trump surprisingly moved into the White House – he who, in Moscow, had generally been considered the preferred candidate over the hated Democrat Hillary Clinton. But only a few months later, the initial euphoria in Russia turned into disillusionment, and relations between the two countries were at their worst since the end of the Cold War.

The ‘Russian affair’ and its examination by special investigator Robert Mueller hung over Trump’s presidency and his relationship with President Putin like the Sword of Damocles for more than two years. The accusation was: interference in the US election campaign 2016, conspiracy against the USA.

What does the future hold for the Russia-United States relations? What else does Moscow have to offer in reaction to Trump’s world of show, business and sanctions? And what ambitions does Putin have for Russia’s return as superpower?

This documentary analyses the political twists and manoeuvres between Russia and the United States in recent years, and between the two presidents Putin and Trump. Occasions when they met person are in special focus. Politicians, insiders and experts from both sides discuss the question of what connects the two men and what limits their cooperation.

Bettina Offermann
Christine Baron

Executive Producer
Gunnar Dedio

A co-production by
LOOKSfilm, MDR/Arte

Author & Director
Claire Walding

Creative Producer
Andreas Fauser